Stop taxing Filipinos when they depart the Philippines

Sign the petition.

Filipinos have to pay a Travel Tax of up to P2700 per person to depart their own country. Foreigners don't pay this tax. Only Filipinos. This is discrimination and a significant inconvenience.

The Travel Tax staff say that foreigners pay this tax too, that it is included in their ticket price. This is not true. Foreigners and Filipinos pay the same price for tickets. Only Filipinos are burdened with a Travel Tax.

This must end. There should be no discrimination against Filipinos, especially in their own country.

The Travel Tax can be repealed without any loss of revenue to the government. Simply increase the airport tax on all departing passengers, foreigner and Filipino alike. Either everyone pays, or no one does. That's fair.

The Travel Tax was created by a decree of President Marcos in 1979. Many of his decrees have been repealed. This one should be too.

Ask President Aquino to repeal Presidential Decree No. 1183, a law that discriminates against Filipinos.

Sign the petition.